
Full ceramic crowns

CASE REPORT: A 47 year old male presented with the complain of pain and food lodgement between upper left second premolar (25) and upper left first molar (26). Patient had previous repeated filling done between the contact area and it had failed and patient had wished for crown placement with closed contacts between upper left second premolar and first molar.                                                                                                                                                               

 On examination there was a food lodgement broken composite filling on distal surface of the upper left second premolar and mesial surface of upper left first molar ( CLASS 2). Moreover there was a swelling around marginal gingiva with respect to both the teeth.
considering the poor oral hygiene and more consideration of self cleaning rather than aesthetic, supragingival margins of crown cutting were placed after patient's consent and full ceramic crowns were selected for placement.

proper depth and margins were  achieved with the help of putty index and occlusal clearance was maintained for full ceramic crowns following which putty and wash impression was taken with putty and light body rubber base impression material.

final crowns were placed with proper margins of the crowns and maintaining centric occlusion.

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