
Chronic Generalised Periodontitis

A 48 years old female patient presented in my clinic with severe pain in her gums since last 2 weeks on examination I had observed large quantity of calculus and poor oral hygiene. Upon taking the case history she revealed that she is diabetec and not taking care of herself for long. She had few grade 3 mobile teeth.

Patient was not regular attendee in dental clinic therefore DPT was taken to set up the base record and future treatment purposes which revealed marginal bone loss and calculus deposition there was no tenderness on percussion anywhere and no periapical pathologies were observed in DPT

First Visit : On first visit I removed all supragingival plaque and calculus under local anesthesia and motivate her to maintain proper oral hygiene, moreover I demonstrated right brushing technique and use of inter dental brushes in between the teeth. 0.2 % Chlorhexidine mouthwash was prescribed to use twice daily for 1 week

Second Visit(after 1 week): On second visit patient had shown sign of improvement, the swelling of marginal gingiva was subsided and I was able to remove subgingival calculus without any interuption by inflamed gums.

Third Visit(after 3 months): On third visit for regular check up patient was happy with appearance there was no pain or swelling on gingiva and she seemed motivated for regular dental check ups and maintaining good oral hygiene.

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