
Extraction of the patient on anticoagulant

CASE REPORT : A 57 year old male patient presented with grade 1 mobile right upper canine with severe continuous pain since last 4 days, on examination tooth was non vital and periapical radiolucency with respect to right upper canine was present. The tooth was tender on percussion.

On taking the medical history patient was on aspirin ( Disprin) 150 mg since last 4 years due to coronary heart disease. Patient was refereed to medical laboratory for bleeding time and clotting time which was prolonged. Patient's GP was consulted, emergency pulp extirpation was done on upper right canine and analgesics ( Paracetamol 500 mg 2 tab. every 6 hourly) given.

After 6 days BT and CT were measured again and they were normal therefore patient was called with full stomach and GP consultation.

Above images show complete extraction of upper right canine tooth with total control of post operative bleeding by adrenaline( Epinephrine 1:100000) containing 2 % Lidocaine HCL and pressure pack.

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