
Zerconia crown

 A 24 years old female patient presented with complain of discolored upper left lateral incisor. On examination patient had trauma 3 years back which has resulted in discoloration of left lateral incisor.

The vitality test was negative and x ray revealed calcified root canal. patient had no pain or any other symptoms.

Patient was explained various options regarding to aesthetics and zerconia crown placement was selected for this case.

After crown cutting zerconia crown was placed with excellent aesthetic with respect to upper left lateral incisor (22).


Three unit white metal bridge

 CASE REPORT : A 54 years old male presented with missing upper left first molar. Patient had lost his tooth due to caries around 1 year back and patient wanted it to be replaced. patient had good oral hygiene and no medical condition. All the options with bridge were explained with costs, advantage and disadvantage and three unit white metal bridge was decided to be placed.

The crown cutting was done with the help of putty index and proper depth and crown margins were maintained.

Putty and wash impression was taken with putty and light body impression material.

Bridge was placed with no improper margins and good centric occlusion was maintained. Since then patient had no problem with the bridge.